Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We will be moving in 4 weeks and I am so excited! We will be moving to a nicer area and a larger apartment. It is amazing how much STUFF you can accumulate after only 7 months of marriage! I am not excited about about all of packing and cleaning, but it will be worth it in the end.
Life has been really busy in the Relitz home. It is almost summer vacation and I can;t wait to finally sleep in! We don't have any fancy trips planned but sleeping in would be my comparison to a little vacation. Although I will be working summer school, I will have 2 weeks before it starts and believe me I am counting the days. I have been working at Logan's 4 nights a week, and Spencer is working 6 nights a week. We have adjusted to seeing each other for only  a few hours. 

sidenote: I have the hardest time writing in this blog because I never have anything to write about or any pictures! I have a camera and It's new I just never take pictures any more. It is sad. 


  1. Yay for moving, Ashley! It'll be great to get things packed up and cleaned (at least you don't have 3 years of stuff and dirt on the windows to clean). Sounds like you guys are so busy and it's so tough to only see each other for a couple hours each day. I'm sorry you have to do that already. Hopefully things will be better in the new place and you won't have to leave as early to get to your jobs which will allow a little more time together =)

  2. Yeah 3 years of stuff is worse than 7 months. lol. I am really excited about saving time going to work. it will be great!

  3. I figure you can only stand someone for a certain amount of hours, so by spreading those hours out over more days, your marriage will last that much longer! Genius plan, guys. That's how Alex and I have made it to 4 years.

    No wait, scratch that. Eternity is forever. Yikes! :)
