Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sick and Just Sick of It!


          Today I am sadly home sick. Yesterday I had terrible allergies which I am now starting to think maybe I was just coming down with something. I woke up this morning feeling so heavy, stuffy, and with a huge headache. I decided to call in sick from work. I then didn't wake up until 11:00 am! Spencer has been taking care of me and now he is at work! ( so proud of him by the way). I am sick and tired of blowing my nose and feeling awful! I haven't been sick for a while and my o my this is draining on my body. It's rough when it is such a beautiful day outside to sick. :(

     Yesterday before i was 100% miserable Spencer and I had the night off together so we made dinner and had the Tatums over for Family Home Evening. Spencer made grilled buffalo steaks we bought from Whole Foods ( just for fun) and I made baked potatoes! The buffalo tasted funny to me so he made me a NY steak instead (much better). Our spiritual thought was on Conference and then we played a game show game called Buzz Quiz! It was a lot of fun. Spencer and I went to bed around 11 ( or I fell asleep around then. He usually stays awake longer).

     It was a pretty fun evening ( minus the fact that I was getting sick).

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