Sunday Spencer broke out with hives all over his upper body. He was itching and just feeling miserable. He told me this happened on his mission and he did not know what it could have been from. He took 4 Benadryl's and said that his doctor in AK told him that 4 should help with hives. The next day everything seemed to be fine.
Tuesday night he is feeling itchy and now he has hives all over his lover body on his legs! He took more pills and we just could not figure out what could have been causing these break outs. We had bought some new bread form the grocery store and a chocolate satin pie from Marie Calendars because it is pie month, but chocolate couldn't be it. He has had chocolate before and this hasn't happened.
This morning we wake up at 8:10 because I am scheduled to get a TB test for my new job ( p.s I got a new job for the school district as a teachers aid sub). Once we woke up he was feeling really itchy so he asked me to check his back. Now his hives spread all over his body and it was BAD! He took his pills and I insisted we go to the doctor because the pills are not working.
I went and had my TB test and right after we went to the doctor where they gave his a shot of steroids and told us what medication should help his hives!
Spencer's hives are gone for now and I hope they don't come back! So both of us ended up with a shot today.
The hives came back! :(