Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I think it's time I count my blessings:
- Having a wonderful husband
- Having 2 jobs
- Not getting my car stolen, just broken into
-Our new Hp computer with it's amazing 25'' screen
- Being in the primary
- My kitty Sammy
-Getting Valentine's Day Sunday off from work because of my beliefs when the whole restaurant is scheduled
Life has been going well. :)


  1. don't forget your amazing older brother Alex, sister-in-law Kate, and their boys...

    well, at least it's easier to think we're super awesome when we're not in the same town :).

    what's your primary calling?

  2. I'm 1st counselor in the primary! It is fun but I still feel a little lost.

  3. I know you wanted to put how awsome your older brother was and how he convinced you to work in the restaurant business in the first place, but I know that your blog isn't big enough for that.
