Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mr. Vanilla Bean

Spencer and I bought so real vanilla beans from costco a few days ago and thought it would go great in our ice cream maker. We had already tried making basic vanilla so we thought we would try the recipie all the way in the back, " decadant chocolate!" The recispie called for vanilla bean, and it had a lot more steps then just poor ingrediants into ice cream maker.

1. heat ingrediants for 30 min
2. cool ingrediants in fridge
3. PLace in ice cream maker for 30 min

Once all was said and done, we were tired, and excited to try the ice cream.
It was way way too chocolaty and sweet! It didn't really seem like ice cream either. More like a chocolate sauce!
:( bummer maybe we shoul have stuck with vanilla.


  1. good attempt :)

    i'll always stick with favorite basic flavor...boring, right? :)

  2. I used to think vanilla was a boring flavor too until We made homemade vanilla. Yummy! But this chocolate was just too powerful. Hard to believe but true.
