Friday, March 26, 2010

Top Ten

Happy Times Check List
1. I turned 21 last Wednesday
2. It's Spring Break
3. We had an easter egg hunt with the kids in my class and it was pretty fun
4. Monterey for 2 nights this week
5. Matt and Julie got married and Spencer and I got to be there. :)
6. Last week another class teacher brought in some baby chicks for the kids to hold and I got to hold it too. so cute
7. My nephew Beckett it home and doing from after surgery
8. I have been married for 5 months now
9. Spencer and I played Tennis for the first time together last week and it was a blast.
10. Spencer bought a creme brulee set for himself and I got a garlic grater. :)

Things are going GREAT!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Terrible Tantrums and Terrible Tips

I made it through another week at Freedom Elementary. I’m getting a handle on this in the classroom, and I actually took a few days off at the restaurant. Over the past week Freedom has been a challenge ( but I still love my job, it can just be difficult). My student throws tantrums when she doesn’t want to listen or “ follow directions,” ( This is something we are always saying to the kids, follow directions..). During stations this week one little boy didn’t want to do his math like I told him so he drew sad faces on his paper. I’ve been bit, kicked, punched…and ohh yeah had my feet stepped on a billion times! ( Don’t worry they are not strong, but still kids should be doing this stuff). I am determined not to let her get the best of me. Even though she may run away and be a royal pain, I stick to my guns and always follow through with the punishments. With Friday coming to a close and another week under my belt I would say things are getting better. But I will say one thing is true, never a dull moment at Freedom.
Since I have been working so much this week I decided to take a little break from Logan’s and go back to work tonight. The night is going alright and I get a party of little 20 year olds and what happens I get a 1% tip which was $2!!! You do the math. I went to work with such a happy attitude and let me tell you things changed after that. People make me crazy! I worked my butt off and get nothing to show for it.

Well this was my way of venting because I have to do it all over again tomorrow. Thanks for the chat.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Trouble posting

This past week Spencer and and I watched The movie Julie and Julia and I just felt so inspired to write on my blog, but I have been having some trouble coming up with things to write about. This is not to say my life is boring, but sometimes I feel like blogging to be an assignment, and then I just want to stay as far away from that as possible. Although after seeing this movie ( side note: It was a great movie) I wish my blog could be as cool as Julie's.
I just started a new job working in a special ed class, and let me tell you there are lots of stories I come home with, but it's hard for me to leave out any details. Let's just say I'm really like my new job, although my student ( we can juts call her D) is a pill and a pain all wrapped up into one. There is always something going one, but maybe ill tell you another time. ( one quick side note I finally got to paint my nails because I quit my Abercrombie job! Yeah for pretty nails again. I feel like a girl.)
My husband and I went to play last week and that was interesting for a few reasons.
#1) it was about people in prison on death row #2) we only went because it was his homework assignment, we are not the play type of people and #3) our family member is his teacher, so things are always interesting
My night time job at the restaurant always has me talking about something. I come home at night talking about my tables and how they were so nice or so mean. Let me ask you, what would you tip on an $88 tab? Well ill tell you I got a $2 on an $88 tab. Ughh but what can you do.
So The main problem I am having is that I just don't know what to write about. So what ends up happening I just don't write anything.