Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why Us?

The Last few weeks have really been hard for us. Both of our cars got broken into while parked in our complex and they took everything! This of course happened within 7-8 days of one another. When our van got broken into they stole our car deck and a huge tub of all of my husband's collectible baseball card from his childhood. After this horrible incident we cleared out our car and removed the car deck at night to keep everything safe. 7 days later our car got broken into and they stole everything in the trunk and the glove box. We had moved everything in the trunk because we thought this would be a safer place. We had a box full of electronic cables, several winter coats, boots, a new GPS, a fondue pot, text books, and a tennis racket! We spoke to the complex about breaking our contract and moving somewhere safer, but that would have been too expensive for us. The management said they would give us a garage and that was all they could do for us. The next morning our van is gone because someone called and had it towed away for parking in their stall. We call the tow place and they tell us it will cost $325! The next morning we drive for 1 hour trying to find the tow place which was in the middle of nowhere and the guy tells us he only takes cash!!! We beg and plead for a blessing and he finally accepts our check! We arrive at the complex and the only garage they can give us is 3 buildings away from where our apartment is!

Life is wonderful :/

Monday, January 11, 2010

Scrapbooking and Other Urges

Since I ave been married I have this urge to scrapbook. For Christmas I got a bunch of little scrapbooking kits to help me get started. I have wedding pictures, honeymoon pictures, and pictures from when Spencer and I were dating. I really want to be one of those cute married people who is good at scrapbooking.
Does this make me old?
I'm not sure, maybe but I'm going to do it, although the problem is in getting started. how and when will i find the time to get these pictures developed. Ha Ha. It will get done, and hopefully soon.

I have also had the urge to pick up a book and start reading. This is strange behavior for me, but since I am taking the semester off, reading a book is not that crazy of an idea for me. We shall see when that happens.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Welcome to the World of Blogging

I have decided to join the blogging world. Some of my family members have a blog and I have been to their site a few times and always wanted to have a blog, but I told myself I would wait until I got married. Well here I am married for 2 months and decided it's time to start.

Spencer and I have had a wonderful Holiday season and I am sad to see it pass. Santa brought us many wonderful gifts this year like a Wii, tons of movies, and tons of video games for Spencer. We have eaten so many Christmas candies and goodies we are beginning to feel the aftershock of Christmas.

Life as a newlywed is full of bliss as many know, but all in all marriage is a learning experience. Trial and error is the way things must be done.

Favs of Marriage:

- Snuggle time in the morning

- Cooking together in the kitchen

- Kissing him anytime I want

-Knowing we will be together forever

- Playing games and watching movies together

Not What I Thought

- When we fight over the covers all night long

.... yeah that's about it.